We try our best to provide you the highest standards of service and so far it has always been exceptionally good. However, in the event, if you are not happy with our services, we gladly accept to refund your money subject to the inspection and approval by our company’s management.

In order for the refund to be considered, a customer must inform us in writing within 5 working days from the day of unsatisfactory service provided. Unfortunately, we cannot refund the money if customer changes their mind, or doesn’t have a valid reason.

In the event of a dissatisfactory service, the customer may choose between a refund or a free service for a complete week by Tidy Masters subject to the fact that the management has found that the fault is ours.

We keep the above conditions so we can protect you as a customer and maintain our company products and services.


Tidy Masters reserves the rights to revise its refund policy from time to time. It is the individual’s responsibility to check our refund policy prior to buying our services or when you visit our company website. If you are an individual, who doesn’t agree with our policy, we request you to kindly stop using our website.

We try our best to provide you the highest standards of service and so far it has always been exceptionally good. However, in the event, if you are not happy with our services, we gladly accept to refund your money subject to the inspection and approval by our company’s management.

In order for the refund to be considered, a customer must inform us in writing within 5 working days from the day of unsatisfactory service provided. Unfortunately, we cannot refund the money if customer changes their mind, or doesn’t have a valid reason.

In the event of a dissatisfactory service, the customer may choose between a refund or a free service for a complete week by Tidy Masters subject to the fact that the management has found that the fault is ours.

We keep the above conditions so we can protect you as a customer and maintain our company products and services.

Tidy Masters reserves the rights to revise its refund policy from time to time. It is the individual’s responsibility to check our refund policy prior to buying our services or when you visit our company website. If you are an individual, who doesn’t agree with our policy, we request you to kindly stop using our website.

A clean environment makes you feel happy, motivated & healthy.

Sit back, relax and let the experts take care of the cleaning process for a tidy environment around you.

A clean environment makes you feel happy, motivated & healthy.

Sit back, relax and let the experts take care of the cleaning process for a tidy environment around you.